Discmania P2

3 products
P2 D-Line Flex 2
P2 D-Line Flex 2
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P2 D-Line Flex 2

P2 D-Line Flex 2 (Wings Stamp)
P2 D-Line Flex 2 (Wings Stamp)
P2 D-Line Flex 2 (Wings Stamp)
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P2 D-Line Flex 2 (Wings Stamp)

P2 S-Line
P2 S-Line
P2 S-Line
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P2 S-Line

The Discmania P2 is the most popular disc for their company for a reason, it flies amazing! Being so sought after they mold this model in D-Line, P-Line, C-Line, G-Line, S-Line, Limited Editions & Signature Series! The Discmania P2 is a slightly overstable Putt & Approach disc which flies very straight. The stability of the P2 allows for aggressive shots into headwinds giving excellent distance. It was designed for professional players, but recreational/amateur Disc Golf players found the P2 just as useful on the courses. P-Line has always been the trusted way for Putting, but the disc is made in multiple plastics due to its excellent approach capabilities.

Speed: 2   |   Glide: 3   |   Turn: 0   |   Fade: 1   |   PDGA Approved

Discmania P2

Why is the Discmania P2 such a popular disc? Its stability in flight provides great flying patterns every throw whether it’s from a beginner or an expert Disc Golfer. While it’s a very slow speed putter with only a rating of 2, so close to 1, which KWS Disc Golf would say, “It’s a brick!”, but it’s not. The speed is slightly higher however this slow speed makes the disc so manageable that you have complete control over it.

Discmania has been systematically releasing discs and making it very easy for consumers to understand what they are buying. A P(Putter)2 is there 2nd disc they made and named it accordingly! They do the same for Mid-Range’s (M2), Fairway Drivers and Distance Drivers. They did throw a twist in the mix by making discs such as the P1X. The X stands for, “The X-Factor”. This page is not about that though it’s about the Discmania P2!

Plastics Available For The Discmania P2

We have said it a million times, but when companies find their best product, what do they do. They make it in every plastic imaginable! Why, because people buy it! Here is a list of the Different plastics the P2 is produced in. (Not including every special edition line)

    As you can imagine, Discmania keeps making new discs so this list will be ever-changing. They are one of the companies that don’t mass produce a disc, such as the proto Kong for example. Discmania will produce a shot in the dark here, 2,000 Sky God II. When they are sold out, they are sold out!

    A staple for Discmania has two outstanding players that do extremely well in tournaments consistently. They are Eagle McMahon and Simon Lizotte. Both sport the Discmania P2 in there bag. Simon specifically uses the P1x for putting due to its bead, but for approach/up-shots he rocks the P2. Normally use to throw it in S Line, but now has reinvented his game into using the C Line plastic. The noteworthy disc is the Sky God which is currently on the 2nd edition. (4/16/2019)

    As for Eagle McMahon, does he have the Discmania P2 in his bag? Absolutely! He actually uses a P Line P2 for an outside of the circle putting and then the P2 Glow P Line for inside the circle putting. He use to use the Discmania P2’s early in his game for approach shots, but has transitioned into the P3x. Eagle McMahon uses this one instead due to the bead allowing for a smoother release for him.


    Diameter: 21.2 cm
    Height: 2.1 cm
    Rim Depth: 1.5 cm
    Rim Width: 1.0 cm

      The Discmania P2 feels great in the hand as it’s slightly smaller than a normal style putter. It truly shines as an approach shot for most, but Eagle McMahon has surely shown it can be used effectively as a putter as well. Many reaches for it for their jump shots and a true great throw for approaching the basket with the excitement of hearing chains every throw.

      Which Plastic Is Best For the Discmania P2

      The great debate, what plastic should you be throwing and what model. For this review on the Discmania P2, we are obviously going to say that model, but what plastic? For anything inside or even slightly outside the circle, we always lean towards the P Line plastic. This plastic is very grippy giving your hand great grip, but also when it’s soaring towards the basket, the plastic will grip the chains as well. D Line plastic for the value has great grip as well, but the durability lacks especially for hitting the basket chains over and over again. We do suggest for practice to grab a stack of cheap D Lines to provide yourself with a more consistent putt.

      What about those approach shots? We still lean towards the P Line, but it turns into a preference within the Disc Golf player really. C Line will be stiff, but the Stiff P Line would be a better option in our eyes but would lack the durability a very seasoned Disc Golfer might see through its lifetime. S Line is an ideal plastic for the Discmania P2 as an approach disc in our eyes due to the grippy nature, not quite as much comparing it to the P Line. It’s very close though and has a lot more durability, but again, not quite as much comparing to the C Line. Close to being the best of both worlds is what we believe gives an approach disc the best capability to providing low scores.

      There will be many different special plastics down the line for the Discmania P2 as it’s been a tried and true disc for many years now. It’s found itself in many professional’s bags who have gotten great success out of the disc. It has also flourished for amateurs alike that makes everyone happy in the end. We here at Disc Golf Shopping are excited and cannot wait for additional Discmania P2 discs to launch in the foreseeable future.